Last weekend Quintessence Audio Ltd. hosted their first ever customer appreciation event. We had some wonderful food thanks to Mick and his professional level smoker, fantastic drinks prepared by the Hallow Traveler, and some even better sound systems put together by the team at Quintessence Audio.

The Quintessence Audio team has three different sound rooms in rotation with multiple different brands in each room. The Boulder room housed a wide variety of our amplifiers, but in the spotlight was the 2160 Stereo Power Amplifier, the 2110 Preamplifier, and the 2108 Phono Preamplifier. Also in the room was the 1110 Preamplifier, the 1108 Phono Preamplifier, the 1160 Stereo Power Amplifier, the 1161 Stereo Power Amplifier, and an 866 Integrated Amplifier.
Our room was shared with Moon by Sim Audio, both of which were fed on the analog side of the spectrum by ClearAudio Turntables which was represented by Musical Surroundings. We had a wonderful time swapping our amps with theirs, and comparing presentations.
We want to give a huge “Thank you” to everyone that was involved with making this event go off without a hitch. The biggest shout out has to go to Mick Survance of Quintessence Audio for staying up for essentially two days straight smoking meats, hosting such a lovely event, and for being such a gracious host. If you happen to be in the Morton Grove area of Chicago, you should absolutely make a point of stopping by Quintessence Audio.
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